Wednesday, October 1, 2008


things I want (that may or may not be destructive):

I want to cry.
I know I know, that seems so weird and crazy but I enjoy catharsis. I love the exaltation of emotion. This want stirs wild thoughts in my head. I just wont think anymore.

I want to get dressed up and go out.
Providence, when will we meet?
:/ just make plans ok?

I want to be a better friend. There comes a point where the destructive thoughts are also damaging.

I want to work somewhere else.
Thank you jewish community for providing work, but my dillegence might be better served anywhere else.

I want more time.
I never have any. I want more. I need more.

I want to sing again.
I have so much to write about. I've got a song in my head. Just wait.

I want a reason to keep up.
That, one must find in ones self.

lastly, I want to smile more.
I'm getting dim.
Change my bulb?


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