Sunday, June 22, 2008


So it's june right now and LAWD HAVE MERCY, boys around here are doing some big things. I find myself tangeled in this 8th grade-espue type of ordeal that makes me semi sick. Then there's this one guy who is really awesome and although I can talk him to death and vice versa, I do not see it going past that. But thats ok. I think for the first time in my life I notice a good catch but let that fish keep swimmin. So many things I have learned in these short 9 months of college, or is it 10? I think it is. Just thought I would share top 5 things I have learned since I have been in college.

1. You can have more fun being single in college than not. No boyfriend? BOO HOO! Girl, get over it. You have plenty of time to find a man, not a college guy or a city boy. College is about education and finding yourself, how can you find yourself or get anything done when all youre doing is searching for someone to make your bed warm and shake your sheets? Exactly. Also, there are just way too many temptations, what with sexy men being your neighbors and them having sexy friends walking around the building, shit, it's enough to make the panies wet and the knees weak. I am in no way knocking solid relationships in college, obviously you have risen above all of the bullshit and DAS GOOD FAH YOU BOO BOO, but most of us, are crumbling walls.

2. Skipping Class is fucking stupid. Unless you have Yuill, cause he will help you out but other than that, don't do it. No t only are you going to throw awaty hundreds of dollars, I bet it's the most fun class of all of them. I skipped photo last week and they played a GAME. F'real? That class almost has me about to commit suicide with a dual labotomy and you're telling me you played a game the week I decided to not go? Ugh, just go.

3. EATING EVERYTHING WILL CATCH UP TO YOU. Self explanitory, my favorite jeans BARELY fit.

4. You are not going to like everyone and baybe, everyone AIN'T GON' LIKE YOU. People will rub you the wrong way, you will burn some bridges or step on toes. But by the end of freshman year, you will see people you used to be so tight with and barely care that all you did was nod and half smile. Once again ,get over it. There are billions of people on this earth, thousands you will meet and greet, hundreds you will touch and only a few you will actuallly care for. I think this video totally sums up that whole thought >

& 5. Do not forget your roots. Don't change for anyone here or hold yourself back to benefit another. I see so many people fall in the sad trap of trends and lifestyles that they become carbon copies of other people. I have met a million girls but they all had the same vocabulary, hair style, tattoos and piercings. How many guys will cut off their jeans into pseudo Bermuda shorts and wear the checkered vans with a tight ass back pack on? It is as if everyone got the memo that this was the trend and the only flare you put on it is colors, but then again. why is everyone wearing canary yellow? I don't think fashions that big of a deal, wear what you would like, but don't attach your attitude to the clothes you're buying and turn into someone you are not. Stay true kids! It is. only your life.

Happy Monday kids! Off to school for Shaw's monies.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Disruptin' My Spirit.

This is a major edit.

I was completely going somewhere I did not want to go with the blog ALREADY, so I apologize. Moving on, current disruptions to my spirit:

I am not the nicest person. It is rare to find me doing things overly nice, although I am a humanitarian I totally fall behind and give people the bottom of my barrel, to say the least. When I do perform sincere acts of kindness, especially involving money, then I'm either A. in a really good mood and B. just looking for some good vibes.

A little while ago I threw a small barbecue at this park near my apartment. It wasn't a grandiose affair but it was enough to hold me over, socially and friendship wise. Personally, spending over 40 doll hairs on people just to eat is really not my thing, but I thought it was a nice gesture plus I was itchin to grill.

One of the guests there was grubbing extra hard, almost as if they had never eaten before. I didn't trip but insisted that they take something home or maybe stay and continue to enjoy, I didn't see anything wrong and let the good times roll. Well today after talking to one of my girl Clem, it seems like things weren't as they seemed. The guest at my barbecue had been laughing at my small gathering and not only in front of my other guests but to my girl Clem. Now, Clem isn't much for starting trouble or making a scene, she just wants things to go smoothly ESPECIALLY if we all have to share a common living area.

I digress.
Clem tells me this as we're walking home from work and as shes letting me know what the girl had been saying I just found myself laughing.

Reason one: How are you going to talk smack about a place you didn't really have to be? Furthermore, how are you going to talk smack about someone who has been nothing but kind to you?

Reason two: SHE GRUBBED SO DAMN HARD. Like, if she had not ate so much I guess I could have sympathized and thought carefully about inviting her to another one of my little shindigs. But I find myself ROFFELING at the sight of her eating so much food that I bought, enjoying the atmosphere that I created and then going back to everyone and saying how much it sucked.

Really, get a life. I love free shit. Even if it wasn't a party hardy kind of situation, wouldn't you just be grateful that someone thought of you enough to invite you?

Rather than put a bad taste in my mouth, I am just going to continue to live my little life and let my blessings come through. I really cannot be concerned with how some people choose to accept or block good things.

Hopefully everyone is having a happy Sunday!

In the beginning!

So, this is the first installment of 'Do You Boo Boo' which I have created to uplift people of all walks of life doing, well shit, them. Celebrities, common ass people, your moms and her moms, if I find out something positive is going on in the community or any community I'm going to promote it to the fullest.

On the flip side, if someone is NOT doing them or doing someone else and making a social ruckus I will not hesitate to blog it down and let it be known. As long as it is a celebrity or someone of importance in the media, I will not disclose names of the perpitrators but rather give them a name they somehow deserve.

Don't confuse this page with gossip or hate spewing because that sounds like some shit that would mess up a new hair doo and put a wrinkle on the toe of my new dunks. I'm just a woman with a lot to say. Please stay tuned because I will have some news for you in a little bit.