Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I found myself singing today. I sing everyday, but not like today. I was swinging my hiiiips, closing my eyyyyes and laughing real loud. Like little children in a schoolyard Now thats a visuall for your ass. Every note was sweet and heavy and perfect.

I think, I am growing up.

Well it's about time. My first duties as a woman is to keep my head up, there are much to many of us head bowed and sullen. I'm going to stay sweet cause life is bitter & I'm going to stay smart cause my mother didn't raise no fool.

All in all, I would like to say that I'm getting there, wherever that may be.

On another note, I want to be in love some time. Not the kind of love you think you've tasted after 5 or 6 months of stagnant emotions. I want something sweet, sunny on a cloudy day, pinky swearing, full teeth smiling, are you really hanging up, its only 4 a.m? kind of love.

No rush, but some time this life time, I want to be strung out over someone.

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