Thursday, December 11, 2008
Sincerely, Tati-Ana Brissett
In other news, the rain in Boston is inside of my bones along with the cold. I can torture myself like no other, not to sound depressing or overtly emotional. In all honesty, I need to be cold before I can appreciate the warmth.
I just wish after that hour with jeff I felt any more better. I just keep tearing up and I mean it's true what those lyrics say, crying in the rain so no one can see. No one knew I was crying, not one person. No one cries in the morning. I mean think about it, how many times do you wake up and feel this failing sorrow?
honestly, I wanna go home, I wanna be dry, I wanna be loved and held close.
I've got some shit to get straight.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
holidays shmolidays.
I'm no longer off of the grid.
Massachusetts Identification Card holder, that I am.
Oh, ridiculous.
I have made some decisions.
1. no reason to write about bullshit that happens in real life. it happened, get over it, don't record it, you're not Anne Frank, no one is making a movie about it or putting that shit under glass in a museum. honestly, out of all the spiteful shit I do in a day, I can't begin to write both sides and it just plum ain't right for me to record the other.
2. stop stop stop being so damn insecure about love given. someone loves you, let them. let them in. no homo.
3. hang out more, I missed my franz, but I'd like some solid guy friends, not gunna lie, tis the season for boy mates.
4. bette midler.
5. this isn't much of a decision kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinda like bette midler but, I look nice in my seafoam sweter.
oh, I hope victoria and I get to travel this summer.
we're slaves of time.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I got over myself.
I just really don't know.
hey remember that time you sang me to sleep?
where'd that guy go?
so it's bright eyes and sky watching.
I'm alright with that.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
what pretty thoughts you have.
I've been a hermit.
To the point where everyone this weeks has been asking where I have been.
It's sad but I have been here, home, doing my own thing.
I've been hoping I get this job and that I do well at the interview tommorow.
That I get money soon.
& I don't know, that things keep going well.
Sometimes I think about time.
If I keep living day to day, Andrew and I will always exist.
I mean isnt that it?
don't plan ahead too far, have at least 5 inside jokes (at least one must occur a day in which the two datees are in stitches about or at least exchange knowing smiles.) and don't be too mean.
Everything else is just fluff or common sense.
I'm happy, promise.
Well, I'm off to clean my room and listen to Cursive.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I was surfing the internet one night, looking for some bitties. I came across this terrifically emo looking boy and read his profile which made me even more interested in him. We spent a couple hours talking online and then one night he offered to keep me company while I was oh so lonely at home. It was completely awkward and cute in a 15 year old way.
BUT when he left, I felt even more lonely than before he had come.
What was the first
what lovely blue eyes you have, what a sweet smile.
Do you remem
this impossible red shirt.
we were sitting on the couch watching americas funniest home videos.
he snuck a kiss and I didn't mind at all. :)
How did he/she ask you out?
I get a text about how we should make 'us' official and how facebook would be the place to do so. He told me we could wait as long as I wanted but I didn't want to wait at all. So, we were all hearted up on facebook within minutes.
We went shopping and then got dinner. We held hands across the table and made small talk.
How long did you know this perso
Has this perso
lmao. he did the old 'bend down on one knee annnnnnnnnnnnnd then tie your shoe"
Do you and this perso
Have you ever broke
Do you get along
we've currently had no ex drama, sooo as far as Im concerned nothing matters if it didn't last.
Do you trust
with my heart.
Do you see your partn
erm, this amazing hoodie. :)
What is one thing
he does this homo voice.
it makes me so mad!
What is the thing
I'm crazy as hell.
we'll see. no one predicts time. but I'd like it if he was the one sleeping next to me.
Do you get along
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
you used to be a kite
now you're a brick under a house
the easy ways
the easy days
have all blown right out
so mister kite, I see your plight
but why become a brick?
the weight must hurt
the taste of dirt
must make you sick
Id give anything to see the wind
pick you up and make you light
but to fly again
you can't be so burdened
you've got to be a kite.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Another Survey NO SUBSTANCE!
I'm not so sure I'd know what to do. I mean, I thought I had found someone who was too much like me to ever break me down. Annnnnnnd I was wrong, to the max. So, if Tim ever came up and hugged me, I'd be frozen with confusion but I'm sure I'd push him off with some sort of horrible string of words to save face. What a terrible question to begin with, shame on you survey.
Last perso
It was Belinda, telling me that she had no money because I wanted to go to The Garment District. I still wanna go, maybe tonight?
Last time you fell?
The other day when I was talking to Belinda about bills.
How do you prono
Tah TEA AHH NUH, maybe if my mother had spelled it like that so many people would get it right.
Who was the last perso
Andrew slept over last night and this morning we pretended he was a very old man with a need for Cialis and had achy joints. I love him more than anyone could ever know.
Who was the last perso
Andrew Possumface.
If you found
Im not sure, children are a handful.
Is there
hate is a strong word, I know some people that do not deserve my respect.
Do you wear eyeli
Some days, I feel like it's just not so cool to be made up. Some days.
Do you write
I really try not to. Your skin breathes people, it's your largest organ, you wouldnt write on your liver!
Do you have a best frien
I could start a fight and win.
1. I wish I would have said no.
2. I hope you get everything you work for.
3. Pray for me?
How many pillo
If you're being
I'm either sad or a mixture of emotions that might provoke me to start some shit.
Do you think
PLEASE, I have done so much realizing these past few weeks that allow me to see how much of a wonderful woman I am to my lovers and my friends. So,
Have you ever had a thumb
I'd like to state now that I cheat at all thumb wars and that if I win I must have cheated or used some sleight of hand trick.
Do you care what peopl
Only when they're wrong.
Do you think
could be better.
Is there
oh of course!
What are you weari
not a thing, which reminds me that I wanna get some slippers.
Have you ever had a reall
If you were AT a reaso
a little girl with high confidence and a pretty face.
Walking down the street in a sweet manner.
Is there
Oh, let it be.
Do long dista
Everyone ends up cheating. It's been proven. Long Distance just means that your heart breaks at a faster rate and that your morals shake off quicker.
Do you think
I'm sure of it.
Who's the funni
this nigga rob.
Friday, October 17, 2008
don't look back, don't look back
hhahahaahahahah, It's so hard to fall asleep alone now. I had to do a million different things in order to tucker myself out. Activities included:
Walking with luke to Bank of America & back.
Walking back to Tedeshi's to get a BCP and then back home.
More Porn.
Fighting with Penelope.
Calling my mother.
Painting my toes.
Painting my nails.
Taking a bubble bath.
Making a new playlist.
Downloading Padriac My Prince ALL NIGHT.
Finally my eyes got heavy and I took myself to sleep. Then I got woken up by jack hammers and this burst of light shining in through my window.
I know, that Andrew has a life, and responsibilities. I have recently become so needy it's disgusting. I love the kid but I need to give him more space or you know, give myself some. Although, last night sucked to the max, I guess I could handle a night off if I knew it was coming. but then that's not very fair. I think I'm going to help pay for the tickets he gets, he only gets them because he wants to see me. And thats beautiful, in a horribly financial way.
So, I also need to get the fucking mail box open or something. Or I will be forever fucked. REDIC. I need to get stuff done.
<3ha, take it easy.
Monday, October 13, 2008
mitten season!
I wake up and feel around for the space that I used to have. The space that I have lost, and yet I have gained. I gained an entire human being with memories and shortcomings and modern ideas and bright eyes wide with newness.
I was questioned, inside and out, why do you like him, love him, stay?
I've spent about 4 minutes trying to compile an answer.
I like to believe in fairy tales, but I know that what we have isn't like any of those. I love the way his heart beats in between mine. As if we were made to make a melody that only we can hear. I could stay in bed all day with him as clean light pours in through the windows just hoping for a few more minutes that I'm not promised.
I find myself at odds with life and love and even forgiveness. but at this point I think it's pretty accurate to say that I am finally content with the smallest aspect of my life.
Let the big picture figure itself out, I will know in time right?
Saturday, October 11, 2008
some times, sometime.
The entire time Bel wasn't here, I was so mean to her.
I kept leaving her outside and yelling at her. She's just a baby.
A little baby cat that likes to bite at my loose stitches and watch me type out the latest misadventures of my life, that I choose to document anyways.
So, I went for a walk and gooood lord, I have not been active enough.
I can't wait for my bike to get here for me to suddenly spring into action. Walking is free, and so is taking the stairs and playing more.
I miss playing.
It's funny, I went for my walk in my increasingly tight jeans and this new hoodie that I look fabulous in and everywhere I went there were a million guys there, checkin me out. Pfft, where's yo library card girl? mmmhmmm. HAHA.
My friend Eddie kept telling me how beautiful I was and I'm thanking him and laughing the entire time because I don't think I have ever felt this hefty, ever.
Don't get it twisted, I am a thick chick by nature, if I was a milkshake you'd need a spoon baby, not a straw.
But really, I need to get my shit together, walking is a must, no more train home, this is for me.
Then one of Eddies customer called me a beautiful woman. HAHAHAHA a woman, a beautiful woman.
I'm telling you, I know I'm all types of fine but everytime someone calls me beautiful I feel so weird. I'm flattered and completely humble but I still feel weird.
Then I get home after purchasing a pair of these fabulous earrings and a wonderful new house phone that I'm psyched about.
Finally, house calls. COOOOL.
Well, I'm not sure about the rest of the night. Andrews been sick and snippy all day. I wouldn't blame him, I'm crazy as hell. But I do love him enough to spend money on Puffs with lotion tissue and apple juice boxes.
Hopefully I get to meet his best friend tonight and you know, we all are frannnz.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
man oh man.
I miss it.
like I feel as if I don't do enough fraternizing.
no, not true.
I hang out alot.
I think, I just feel like a dick sometimes, a lot.
& I don't feel like writing right now about this topic.
another distraction.
flippin thoughts.
Friday, October 3, 2008
it's official.
I will promptly leave my dignity and pride at the door.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
If I'm still weighed down with subtlties
that I think that I deserve him, more than anyone deserves anything.
I just don't see why I'm wrong here. I bet my lungs that if the tables were turned things would be different. And I wondered something today. People say love and then do opposite thing. So if I 'do' love, must I say love? I think the word is being ruined and turned into some sort of status. I think I may very well love Andrew but why say it if I show it? Too many thoughts for a non sober mind. I just think this is silly.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I want to cry.
I know I know, that seems so weird and crazy but I enjoy catharsis. I love the exaltation of emotion. This want stirs wild thoughts in my head. I just wont think anymore.
I want to get dressed up and go out.
Providence, when will we meet?
:/ just make plans ok?
I want to be a better friend. There comes a point where the destructive thoughts are also damaging.
I want to work somewhere else.
Thank you jewish community for providing work, but my dillegence might be better served anywhere else.
I want more time.
I never have any. I want more. I need more.
I want to sing again.
I have so much to write about. I've got a song in my head. Just wait.
I want a reason to keep up.
That, one must find in ones self.
lastly, I want to smile more.
I'm getting dim.
Change my bulb?
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
can't sleep.
Are you cheat
I couldn't cheat, I am no good at lying. Also, morality and karma stop me dead in my tracks. But honestly, right now, if I was doing any cheating it would be at thumb wars by starting them haphazardly and then stopping as soon as Andrew begins to win.
Did you have sex today
Why no, I did not.
What are you weari
These clearance panties from the mall and uh, yeah.
Im telling you, I need an A.C.
What do you want right
Easy, I want my boyfriend here and smiling. I want the girl who sold him that lemon to feel really bad and give him at least halfsies and I want a pony. Thanks.
What were you doing
I want something meaningful. But here's my hang up; bodies are temporary, with all the cuts and scrapes we put on them, not to mention the wear and tear, why pay money to damage it further only to leave it behind in death? I just think it's a novelty.
I just want to hear sweet slow music. Sufjan, where are you on this shuffle? Relient K, I love you in the summer but autumn is coming, can't you smell it? Time for things to get sleepy.
Did you enjoy
It was lovely. No stress, just a lovely boyfriend working out the knots in my back and smiling like a 5 year old at the beach. Fuck my weekend, my life is enjoyable.
Do you regre
Apparently suggesting something logical and beneficial is wrong. Im not being sarcastic when I say this, but I thought things woulndn't be so petty. I keep getting proved wrong.
Are you slowl
I'm keeping my mouth shut, there are bigger things.
Who is the last perso
Andrew, deffinately.
The foibles.
Are you going
Well, tonight as in wednesday night will be me in a bed, sleeping besides a lovely human being. But last night, tuesday night, I slept alone.
Who else is in the room with you?
In winte
Depends, but Im loving this turquoise hoodie that andrew copped me.
Do you wish you were somew
I could be anywhere and hold your hand.
How long can you go witho
I would like to crush this thing.
What are you doing
Sewing projects, class, smiling.
Ever kisse
No way, I am not any good at the whole OH HEY LETS BE SHITTY AND RUIN OTHER PEOPLES HAPPINESS. Simply, for the golden rules' sake, I keep it friendly.
What is one place
Italy, but only once and to stay. I want to raise my children somewhere lovely and out of the U.S.
Ha, once again, only wearing panties.
Do you like your music
Audible please.
Next vacat
Andrew, lets go apple picking.
Mark, lets go somewhere "Boston"
Amy, lets be creepers and uh boywatch? EYE SPY SKINNY JEANS?
Do you like scary
I like it bloody.
Depends on the people and the weather.
Last thing
Dinner for me and some ladies.
Heavy sleeping.
Who did you last speak
Honestly, it's been a long time since I've spoken with someone for at least an hour and lost track of time. Tonight, I broke the spell. Andrew, thanks for being interesting for a consecutive 60 minutes :)
Shotgun Wedding.
When is the last time you swam?
I cannot even tell you. WAIT! Revere beach, Aunyx and Ashley.
How do you make heada
Cold tiles, apply head.
What is the next vehic
I need a new hog. Wellesley did not make it.
What movie
What is your favor
Ginger Beer.
How often
Hi, pirate here.
Certainly Slumbering.
Have you ever passe
Not from drugs, thanks.
When is the last time you saw numbe
I do not have one of those. But I only saw people I liked this weekend, if that counts.
Have you ever wante
Only when I don't know how to fight the flames I create.
What are you stres
The cash flow.
Do you have sibli
I think? That's just sad.
When did you last cry?
This weekend when Andrews car blasted me.
If you woke up in one of the Saw movie
Hell no, think about that for a second?
When is the last time you were in a photo
Do you have any gay guy frien
I want a george kostanza.
Have you ever taken
Do you love someo
All of them.
Do you wave when you see peopl
And when they don't see me, I play with some loose hair and act all nonchalant.
Victoria, for like ever.
Have you ever seen someo
It's normal. Sometimes, you just do not have time for LONG CONVERSATION LISA.
Do you secre
Oh it's so secret. I don't even remember sometimes.
Who was the last perso
Andrew. Man, is he in every answer or what?
What is your favor
Seafoam Green.
What level
500, yeah beeitch don't fuck with my shakespeare skills.
CD playe
Cassette Player, Colin :(
Do you wear jeans
More like comfy pjays.
Do you ever say "yo, hoe!
Only when I feel exceptionally homo.
If you had a pet pengu
Pablo, cause Ariana Push is kind of my only penguin loving friend.
Are you happy
Come up with a better word and I may bite.
Who were you with at 7 last night
Bel and Bic.
When is your birth
December 26 1989, ask me about the 90's
Do you dance
Like, a maniac.
Is there
More water.
Is there
I'm not so tough.
How often
Errr day.
Have you kisse
hehehehe, :*
Has the oppos
Andrew sits on my bed and sometimes wraps himself in my fitted sheet and lays against my bare mattress like a small child. It's too cute so I don't do anything other than take pictures....kidding.
Do you ever buy the same cloth
If I'm being cool.
What was the highl
Have you ever been to North
No one has. It does not exist.
Thanks for reading :)
land lines.
I asked for perspective, and it untied my hands.
My name is Tati-Ana, I am 18 and 3/4.
Hello tuesday. This will be a bunch of scattered thoughts.
1. kevin devine, when will you be around?
2. I like the arrangment I have made.
3. someone should go night walking with me, the citayyy is prettayyy.
I saw the leaves change today.
I sat and watched one change.
You don't know, you were not there.
I think this could be a big deal.
I have never felt this content with another human being.
Every frown is on my to do list to change.
Every heart beat is another second I have.
I don't know where this is going and that is ALRIGHT.
for the first time, its all right there.
thank you fairy godmother.
and thank you autumn, proof that there is beauty in the breakdown.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
today is the 21st of september.
today is sunday.
today is the beginning of another week.
today I'm seeing Drew & today is sweet.
I don't worry about him and I being weird or awkward.
we just go with the flow and laugh like idiots all night.
we're not perfect, but we've got bright smiles and sweet little quips and quirks.
ha, its to the point where I think of ways we could have met before we did.
we could have had the ball rolling.
but maybe this is perfect timing.
you've gotta get rained on before you can enjoy the sunshine.
I just remembered this posts to facebook but I don't really care.
it's all true, the kids' impressive.
well, I'm off to sew my pants and enjoy the good fortune I've got.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
colbs and nelo are sleeping.
I can't believe 3 months ago I asked the same question.
well are you?
my neck has hickies on it.
how primitive.
lolololololiked it.
I wish you could do all of the ingredients to make a hickie but didnt get the product of discoloration.
Drew, oh he's such a cute kid.
this has all the potential of easy on it.
hahahaha autumn boy.
<3;) youre cute kiddo.
can I say that I am actually very poor.
like, so poor.
I don't like to think about it.
its saddening.
I want to not be.
not thinking about it.
I got my halloween costume today.
I'm a cop.
I thought it would be neat.
oh it fits just right, hello darlin.
I can't wait for tonight! Drew and I are making mustaches for the party :)
well, I am most certainly done gushing.
three cheers for men who know what they want and kiss you like magic.
Friday, September 12, 2008
as much as this SUCKS, I have learned that these things happen.
boys come and go.
but I thought he was different.
I really thought this was going to be amazing
FOR REAL this time.
hahahaha, this is what I get.
no more expectations.
no more hearts.
I'm closing this door.
more importantly, someones got some dates.
I shouldn't revel.
I say it like im som ugly barnyard bitch who don't get shit.
nigga, I'm steady.
so, I guess lifes pretty fucking good.
good people, good everything.
it would be neat if we got some wine tonight.
like for real.
I would like that very much.
I just wanna sip and dish about anything and everything.
:)hahahahaha things are never that bad.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
dear death cab,
Just wanted to say thanks, but uh, I'm now some sort of exotic young woman with an insatiable appetite for the way things are, not how they could be.
Tati-Ana Mercedes Brissett
Saturday, August 16, 2008
I keep going over and over the details, and this is real cute.
haha, no pressure, I always like an adventure.
p.s. baby angels.
Monday, August 11, 2008
oh yeaaaaaah.
& I remembered where I put the last one I made.
& I remembered how cute it was.
so, I'm making one and it is called:
Things to be done, Things to be done!
1. name a REAL LIVE STAR.
2. kiss someone upside down.
3. say the phrase 'RUN A MUCK!' and mean it :)
4. make a friend out of a stranger on the train.
6. write a poem about the sky on the best day.
7. go bare foot.
8. swim it off.
9. tell someone how much they mean to you without involving the word 'creepy' or 'weird'
10. color.
just you know, go with it.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
you are the words I fumble for
But the bother of new clothes or something to wake up to, christmas morning? No, no, no. I keep thinking and rethinking and returning to the same conclusion: I should stop? But I don't want to. It's not the same. No games, just straight up. I can't even fathom this. It's like I'm watching a movie, and I know the plot or so I think. And I don't reeeeeeeeeally know the plot cause every second it gets better and more complex.
I could talk for hours to you and it feels like never enough time. Always moving for more words, more time, less silence, too many laughs, alot of information, exchanging, exchanging, exchanging, like me, like me, like me, so similar, too similar, whats different?
Im eating my negative thoughts when they manage to slip through.
I don't know.
Im afraid, of the future. Of not being right. I want this to make sense.
I want too much. I just feel like this could be one of those things that devastates.
It just feels so comfortable, like summer and old jeans.
Besides this, I hope my finals go well.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
ha, you ever?
well rather, catch yourself in a reflection of a store window.
I know I look like a creep ass, I start talking to myself and getting really cocky.
Then after 10 seconds I realize I am A. not alone and B. laughing hysterically.
Really, I can work with what I got, fuck the rest.
I just really want my bike back, commuting via train or bus BLOWS.
class today? I don't wanna really. REALLY.
maybe I'll go. maybe.
If it's lame I'm going to get crazy mad.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
I think, I am growing up.
Well it's about time. My first duties as a woman is to keep my head up, there are much to many of us head bowed and sullen. I'm going to stay sweet cause life is bitter & I'm going to stay smart cause my mother didn't raise no fool.
All in all, I would like to say that I'm getting there, wherever that may be.
On another note, I want to be in love some time. Not the kind of love you think you've tasted after 5 or 6 months of stagnant emotions. I want something sweet, sunny on a cloudy day, pinky swearing, full teeth smiling, are you really hanging up, its only 4 a.m? kind of love.
No rush, but some time this life time, I want to be strung out over someone.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
I have had a headache for 3 days.
and when I say tired I mean really fucking beat.
I worked 8 hours constant on my feet and went for a walk after work around shaws at least 20 times just to buy some sherbet.
I just want to sleep my life force away but Alyssa is looking for her wallet. still.
Thats gotta fucking blow.
I dont have my i.d. or anything but if I did and lost it, I would be pissy.
The only thing is, her times to look for said wallet are kind of wild.
Like, 2 a.m. when I tell her at 10 that I have work at 530.
or right now, when I have to get up an go apartment searching/pack for home/ brain storm my project for gretchen.
Im not even mad its just super awkward.
Really, way too much shit to do on a monday.
But thats how it goes right?
I'm just syked for sleeping.
So, here I go.
Friday, July 4, 2008
July 4th
Fireworks, no boyfriend, no crushes...ok not true but they're home so, BOO.
I want to sleep but I want to buy clothes. I wanna look baaaaaad. I wanna be a bad mamajama. Like, that is my aspiration.
I don't want anyone to like me like me right now. I could settle with a simple 'you look good shawty I wanna see you on the daily mamita."
Heads up, that works every time IF and only if you're not a criminal, look anything like smokey bear or steal peoples stuff. Fuck outta here, I don't buy for you to take, sticky fingers ass nigga, oh I put honey on my hands so I can just slot cha stuff mah way. I digress, that tangent was highly unnecessary.
I think I'm going to head over to the galleria?
OR perhaps get some new shoes?
I really do not need a thing.
I need to give to charity or something.
I'm super spoiled fucking self.
Im kinda hoping we get the apartment wa want. I kinda wanna live in boston to be completely honest. Its lookin hinda bleek though to be serious and concerned.
Tangent here: concerned. Some people say that word so curious. They add the 'ned' as if it's someones name. I AM CONCER! NED! I am concerrrrned.
Anyways, my brothers coming to visit on the 10th. SYKED!
:] were goin to have a blast.
liddle brudder in da citter. ok so I'm a lame older sister shush.
hope everyone is having a good fourth.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
So yesterday was a day like any other Thursday, only more hectic. I wake up at 3 a.m. only not actually get out of bed till 4 and finish my midterm for Tom "now watch me" Yuill. Not only did I knock it out, I was finished by 4:40 meaning I had just enough time to not wash my face, skip to make up and throw on this old UnderOath track jacket that has always and (hopefully) forever will be much to big to be flattering.
I hop on my bike so I can drop off my camera to ops and I get thee SLOWEST ops guy in thee entire world of slow and ops. Im talking kid could be on fire and still be like "wha?" Anyways, he finally finishes inspections, I pass with flying colors and somehow there’s a fucking yankee lighter inside of the case? I don't even smoke. Who did that to me? Im not mad, it was just really confused? Well, I threw that shit out. Fuck lighters, trick.
I digress, I get back on the hog and make it to work with 10 minutes to spare. My boss fawns over Wellesley which I have decided to name my bicycle for your information.
I sweat like a slave till 12 and get over to campus for Tawms class and I actually spoke. Usually the guys in there are so pretentious I'd just rather text someone or Google search the story were reading for other opinions. If you know me, this is not my thing. I love talking. A chance to talk for me is like a million free crack rocks every day at lunch time to fat crack heads. So not only is their drugs, you know, there's foodage.
So I spoke today, and they liked me, alot!
I just kept talking and the more they sat eager for me to speak. It was wonderful to the max, I felt kinda like Condoleezza Rice or Lil' Jon. Yeah.
But then I fell asleep during break and though I tried my hardest to wake up when we came back. I fell out again and the only thing that woke me was Tawm saying how rhythmic my breathing was and ho he could fall asleep doing just the same.
After today I don't think I'm allowed to nap or not talk cause he called on me an awful lot and this was my first day of having a voice!
So Im riding home and I stop at Walgreens to 1. Meet nyx and 2. Get a food source. This woman starts giving me the stare down and in situations like that I just laugh and keep it movin. But she seriously stops me and tells me how much of a pretty woman I am and that I have such a beautiful face and right now, I kind of need that.
What with the burn on my forehead, my clothes feeling a million times all wrong and these stupid pimples, its really good to hear some nice shit. She also commented on my dark rimmed glasses which is a relief cause alot of the time I feel ridiculous or like I'm trying to look like 60% of women that attend my school or live in my hood.
Then this other woman walks by and I offered her a cookie, I mean wouldn’t you want a cookie on a hot ass day? I am most certainly speaking for myself but hey if the shoe fits then put on the other one and take a walk down my street.
We see her again a little while after and she tells me how some black boys that work at stop and shop are nice to her and that they’re really nice boys and apart of me was like....wha? I mean I know I'm black, big up to all you dark skinned luvahs, I gawt whatchu neeed. But really, why did she tell me? I could care less who is nice to her or rather, what color skin they had. Besides, no one is a hundred percent anything. People are portable melting pots when they actually sit down and recount their ancestry, check it out, you may be surprised. I guess I thought it was kinda weird.
Hm, afterwards I rode home and have been enjoying Taking Back Sunday ever since about 3:20, "Tell all your friends" is such a good album, by the by.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
1. You can have more fun being single in college than not. No boyfriend? BOO HOO! Girl, get over it. You have plenty of time to find a man, not a college guy or a city boy. College is about education and finding yourself, how can you find yourself or get anything done when all youre doing is searching for someone to make your bed warm and shake your sheets? Exactly. Also, there are just way too many temptations, what with sexy men being your neighbors and them having sexy friends walking around the building, shit, it's enough to make the panies wet and the knees weak. I am in no way knocking solid relationships in college, obviously you have risen above all of the bullshit and DAS GOOD FAH YOU BOO BOO, but most of us, are crumbling walls.
2. Skipping Class is fucking stupid. Unless you have Yuill, cause he will help you out but other than that, don't do it. No t only are you going to throw awaty hundreds of dollars, I bet it's the most fun class of all of them. I skipped photo last week and they played a GAME. F'real? That class almost has me about to commit suicide with a dual labotomy and you're telling me you played a game the week I decided to not go? Ugh, just go.
3. EATING EVERYTHING WILL CATCH UP TO YOU. Self explanitory, my favorite jeans BARELY fit.
4. You are not going to like everyone and baybe, everyone AIN'T GON' LIKE YOU. People will rub you the wrong way, you will burn some bridges or step on toes. But by the end of freshman year, you will see people you used to be so tight with and barely care that all you did was nod and half smile. Once again ,get over it. There are billions of people on this earth, thousands you will meet and greet, hundreds you will touch and only a few you will actuallly care for. I think this video totally sums up that whole thought >
& 5. Do not forget your roots. Don't change for anyone here or hold yourself back to benefit another. I see so many people fall in the sad trap of trends and lifestyles that they become carbon copies of other people. I have met a million girls but they all had the same vocabulary, hair style, tattoos and piercings. How many guys will cut off their jeans into pseudo Bermuda shorts and wear the checkered vans with a tight ass back pack on? It is as if everyone got the memo that this was the trend and the only flare you put on it is colors, but then again. why is everyone wearing canary yellow? I don't think fashions that big of a deal, wear what you would like, but don't attach your attitude to the clothes you're buying and turn into someone you are not. Stay true kids! It is. only your life.
Happy Monday kids! Off to school for Shaw's monies.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Disruptin' My Spirit.
I was completely going somewhere I did not want to go with the blog ALREADY, so I apologize. Moving on, current disruptions to my spirit:
I am not the nicest person. It is rare to find me doing things overly nice, although I am a humanitarian I totally fall behind and give people the bottom of my barrel, to say the least. When I do perform sincere acts of kindness, especially involving money, then I'm either A. in a really good mood and B. just looking for some good vibes.
A little while ago I threw a small barbecue at this park near my apartment. It wasn't a grandiose affair but it was enough to hold me over, socially and friendship wise. Personally, spending over 40 doll hairs on people just to eat is really not my thing, but I thought it was a nice gesture plus I was itchin to grill.
One of the guests there was grubbing extra hard, almost as if they had never eaten before. I didn't trip but insisted that they take something home or maybe stay and continue to enjoy, I didn't see anything wrong and let the good times roll. Well today after talking to one of my girl Clem, it seems like things weren't as they seemed. The guest at my barbecue had been laughing at my small gathering and not only in front of my other guests but to my girl Clem. Now, Clem isn't much for starting trouble or making a scene, she just wants things to go smoothly ESPECIALLY if we all have to share a common living area.
I digress.
Clem tells me this as we're walking home from work and as shes letting me know what the girl had been saying I just found myself laughing.
Reason one: How are you going to talk smack about a place you didn't really have to be? Furthermore, how are you going to talk smack about someone who has been nothing but kind to you?
Reason two: SHE GRUBBED SO DAMN HARD. Like, if she had not ate so much I guess I could have sympathized and thought carefully about inviting her to another one of my little shindigs. But I find myself ROFFELING at the sight of her eating so much food that I bought, enjoying the atmosphere that I created and then going back to everyone and saying how much it sucked.
Really, get a life. I love free shit. Even if it wasn't a party hardy kind of situation, wouldn't you just be grateful that someone thought of you enough to invite you?
Rather than put a bad taste in my mouth, I am just going to continue to live my little life and let my blessings come through. I really cannot be concerned with how some people choose to accept or block good things.
Hopefully everyone is having a happy Sunday!
In the beginning!
On the flip side, if someone is NOT doing them or doing someone else and making a social ruckus I will not hesitate to blog it down and let it be known. As long as it is a celebrity or someone of importance in the media, I will not disclose names of the perpitrators but rather give them a name they somehow deserve.
Don't confuse this page with gossip or hate spewing because that sounds like some shit that would mess up a new hair doo and put a wrinkle on the toe of my new dunks. I'm just a woman with a lot to say. Please stay tuned because I will have some news for you in a little bit.